Are The Authorised Licence Holders of Aqualyx™ UK

Patient Care

Preparation for Treatment

Discover all Aqualyx treatment preparations that will help you maximise your results and enable a smooth process with your medical professional facilitating your Aqualyx treatment.

Aqualyx Pre-Treatment Advice

Listed below are the best practices to follow to ensure your safety whilst receiving aqualyx treatments, many clinics may have adapted procedures but our instructions serve as a guide to help you gather all necessary information before your Aqualyx treatment.

How to prepare for your Aqualyx Treatment

1. What to Bring to your Aqualyx treatment

When preparing for your Aqualyx treatment there are a few things that you can purchase and bring to make your treatment experience more comfortable. We advise that you purchase painkillers such as paracetamol in case you need them during or after the treatment. Bringing supporting garments such as compression clothing is advised to assist with swelling and bruising.

2. Things to Avoid before your Aqualyx Treatment (Restrictions and Guidelines)

Although Aqualyx is a minimally-invasive and safe treatment, like many other medical procedures there are always things to avoid to ensure the best results, listed below are things to avoid before any Aqualyx treatment:

  1. Blood-thinning medications or supplements such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or fish oil.
  2. Alcohol consumption for at least 48 hours prior to the treatment.
  3. Strenuous exercise or activities that may increase blood flow to the treated areas.
  4. Consumption of large, fatty meals immediately before the treatment.
  5. Herbal supplements or alternative medications that may interfere with the treatment process.
  6. Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, as it can affect the healing process.
  7. Consumption of caffeine or energy drinks that may increase sensitivity or interfere with the treatment.
  8. Waxing, threading, or any other hair removal treatments in the treatment area prior to the session.
  9. Sunbathing, tanning beds, or excessive sun exposure that can cause skin sensitivity.
  10. Use of any topical creams, lotions, or cosmetics on the treatment area prior to the session.
  11. Cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels or laser treatments in the same area close to the Aqualyx treatment.

Aqualyx Pre-Treatment Consultation and Assessment

During the follow-up consultation and assessment for your Aqualyx treatment, your chosen clinic will carefully review your medical history and assess your current health status. This ensures that everything is in order for a smooth and successful Aqualyx procedure.

The clinic’s experienced medical professionals will re-evaluate the specific areas to be treated with Aqualyx, ensuring utmost precision and accuracy. They will address any concerns or questions you may have, providing detailed information about the Aqualyx treatment process and the anticipated recovery.

The clinic’s dedicated medical team aims to ensure that you feel fully prepared and confident on the day of your Aqualyx treatment. By conducting a thorough consultation and assessment, the clinic ensures a seamless experience tailored to your individual needs and goals. This meticulous approach maximizes the effectiveness of the Aqualyx treatment and enhances your overall treatment experience.

Freaquently Asked Question Regarding Aqualyx Treatments

Aqualyx has been recognised by medical societies internationally as a safe procedure due to its success rate and minimal side effects, nevertheless much like all medical procedures adverse effects can occur. The following are reactions that can be caused by Aqualyx:

  1. Redness and Swelling: Mild redness and swelling at the administration sites are common immediate reactions that usually subside within a few days.

  2. Bruising: Some patients may experience bruising at the injection sites. This is typically temporary and fades over time.

  3. Tenderness or Sensitivity: The treated areas may feel tender or sensitive to touch for a few days following the Aqualyx treatment. 

  4. Itching or Discomfort: In some cases, patients may experience itching or discomfort in the treated areas. This can be managed with over-the-counter remedies or as advised by your healthcare provider.

  5. Numbness: Temporary numbness or altered sensation in the treated areas may occur. 

Aqualyx treatments are often described as minimally uncomfortable; however, the experience may vary depending on individual factors.

During the initial Aqualyx treatment, the use of local anesthesia and the absence of previous bruising or swelling contribute to a virtually painless experience. However, as subsequent treatments are administered, especially if they are scheduled closer together, residual swelling may persist. This can lead to heightened irritation beneath the skin, resulting in mild to moderate discomfort for the patient.

The level of discomfort experienced throughout the treatment series can vary depending on factors such as the treatment area and the individual patient. While some patients may find the discomfort tolerable, it is important to note that categorising Aqualyx treatments as completely painless would be inaccurate.

When Aqualyx is administered to the targeted areas, it works by breaking down the fat cells in those specific regions. After the fat cells are disrupted, the body’s natural metabolic processes come into play.

The liquefied fat released from the broken-down cells is gradually metabolized and eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. It is primarily transported to the liver, where it is processed and eventually excreted from the body as waste.

Under no circumstance should pregnant female patients be administered Aqualyx, this could lead to serious complications with the pregnancy as well as the unborn baby. The same applies to women who are breastfeeding, the advised amount of time before receiving Aqualyx treatment after pregnancy is 6 months (only if not breastfeeding).

As a general guideline, it is advisable to drink an appropriate amount of water throughout the day leading up to your Aqualyx treatment. Aim to maintain good hydration by consuming the recommended daily intake of water, which is typically around 8 glasses or 2 liters (64 ounces) for adults. However, it’s important to note that individual hydration needs may vary based on factors such as activity level, climate, and personal health conditions.

Drinking an adequate amount of water helps support proper circulation, aids in the body’s natural detoxification processes, and promotes overall well-being. Additionally, staying hydrated can contribute to optimal skin health, which may be beneficial during and after the Aqualyx treatment.